A comprehensive package

Once you choose Tech Medical as your home health care provider, you won’t need to shop around for other services. We offer a complete range of services to assist you in returning home and regaining your previous level of function.

Skilled Nursing

Our Registered Nurses and Licensed Practical Nurses are fully screened to assure that their training and experience meet Advantage’s strict standards of practice. Service as a liaison between patients, hospitals, physicians and pharmacists, our nurses ensure that complete and proper medical care is administered to patients in the privacy of their own homes. Skilled nursing care includes services that can only be performed safely and correctly by a licensed nurse, for example, IV therapy, wound dressing, medication teaching, and disease process teaching.

Physical Therapy

A highly qualified Physical Therapist can assess and periodically reassess a patients rehabilitation needs and potential, or to develop and/or implement a therapy program. Physical Therapists work to restore the mobility and strength of patients who are limited or disabled by physical injuries through the use of exercise, massage and other methods. Therapists often alleviate pain and restore injured or weak muscles with specialized equipment or exercises. They also teach patients and caregivers special techniques for walking and transferring.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapist help individuals who have physical, developmental, social or emotional problems that prevent them from performing the general activities of daily living.

Occupational Therapist instruct patients on using specialized rehabilitation techniques and equipment to improve their function in tasks such as eating, bathing, dressing and basic household routines.

Speech Language Pathology

Speech-language Pathologists work to develop and restore the speech of individuals with communication disorders; usually these disorders are a result of traumas such as surgery or a stroke. Some of the services provided by a Speech Therapist include diet modification, lip reading instructions, voice therapy, saliva control, stroke rehab, assistance with swallowing disorders, etc.